Monday, 5 July 2010

I am terrible at updating this, for that I apologise.

In the meantime, my casual blog is here. It's pretty crappy though. Oh, you still want the link? Really? You sure?
Well here you go then!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Summer Sads.

I will not lie to you guys, I hate the summer. (I think I mentioned this a few posts down) However I don't think mentioned the full length of which my hate extends. I do not have the body for tiny skirts and tights, I like to layer my clothing and my skin is repulsed by even the mere suggestion of sunlight. It's tragic.
Yes, you're right. That's me, aged 7.

So SS 2010, I will not wear you jump suits or your skirts or your bodycon dresses. Nor will I wear your anything with inexplicable little pieces cut out of my abdomen. Instead I'm going to sit in the shade wearing an old pair of jeans and horrible print tshirts. This is what you've done to me.
I will, however be utilising the ridiculously long plait I saw on Miu Miu models.
Just letting you know.

Love Georgie xo.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Memento Mori

Vita Brevis, Gloria Aeterna

Life is short, Glory eternal.
Sometimes I really think that I've been born in the wrong era, but then I remember how privileged I am and feel grateful for this age. If only the Victorians accepted Human Rights and had the Internet, Electricity and decent Medical Care.
I blame it on all of the Period Drama & Film that I've been watching recently (Dorian Gray, the costumes and set are beautiful) Everything about the Victorian and Georgian periods were so extraordinarily exquisite in terms of fashion, and jewellery and art. Well, at least amongst the upper classes. I really wish that Victoriana Regality would come back round into the forefront of designers minds and never ever leave it.

Even the dead are beautiful,whilst the living seem to be ghosts.
(I am so weird)

Friday, 28 May 2010

I can't even.

So I was doing my usual - procrastinating from tidying my room, reluctantly searching for a new wardrobe for summer (apparently big baggy jumpers and boots are a nono with the heat) and found myself on the Topshop website, when I saw this.
I mean sure, the print is a bit questionable, but the cut is quite nice. So I went in for a closer look.

I'M SORRY, WHAT IS THAT!? Why would a person show off the tiniest bit of flesh? I mean sure if it's was on the back I'd be perfectly fine with that, I quite like cutout backs. But on the front?Really? A small tiny inexplicable bit of abdomen with chance of a boob slip? I don't even see where it fits in with the SS trends at all. I'm sorry, Topshop, but all I'll ever see is this.

Does it look better on a real person? The answer is no. No, it really doesn't.

Knowing me, I'll end still up buying it.


I swear, Polyvore will be the death of me.
A Different Kind of Princess

Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

The boots by Tao, the Darcy Miro crown cuff, the Vera Wang necklace.
Kill me now, please, before I spend next years' student loan on things that aren't my tuition.

Headpiece Envy

Ladies and gentlemen, I need this in my life. Demelza Buckley now owns my headpiece and collared heart.

I've recently gotten really big on accessories and I love really huge statement pieces like this, especially things that will make me look like a dick wearing them in the street. I can't live in High Wycombe and wear things like this or this,

Oh, vintage impracticalities.

Or this from Diane von Furstenberg's SS 09 show

Not that I'd be able to carry them off with my red hair & skin. And it's even worse now it's summer and my freckles have decided to come and say hello. Freckles & Red face = nonono. Bring back Autumn, please. My cool breezes miss me.