So I was doing my usual - procrastinating from tidying my room, reluctantly searching for a new wardrobe for summer (apparently big baggy jumpers and boots are a nono with the heat) and found myself on the Topshop website, when I saw this.

I mean sure, the print is a bit questionable, but the cut is quite nice. So I went in for a closer look.

I'M SORRY, WHAT IS THAT!? Why would a person show off the tiniest bit of flesh? I mean sure if it's was on the back I'd be perfectly fine with that, I quite like cutout backs. But on the front?Really? A small tiny inexplicable bit of abdomen with chance of a boob slip? I don't even see where it fits in with the SS trends at all. I'm sorry, Topshop, but all I'll ever see is this.

Does it look better on a real person? The answer is no. No, it really doesn't.

Knowing me, I'll end still up buying it.